David Wright -> Music -> Touchboard Maps

Touchboard Maps

Touchboard illustrations for a number of different Chapman Stick tunings, both 'official' (i.e. listed at Stick Enterprises) and custom.

Standard Chapman Stick Tunings

Most, but not all. For the official list see the Comparative chart of all Stick tunings page at SE

10 String Stick

12 String Grand Stick

12 String SG12 Stick Guitar

8 string Stick Bass or NS/Stick

Alternative Chapman Stick Tunings

Maps for custom tunings used by some other Stickists.

10 String Stick

12 String Grand Stick

My Chapman Stick Tuning Explorations

Non-standard tunings I have tried out. For a timeline of explorations, see here. Some unoffical string gauge data can be found here.

10 String Stick


Uncrossed Parallel

Extended Descending 4ths (More than 6 consecutive along a fret)

12 String Grand Stick


Uncrossed Parallel with 9th between sides

Uncrossed Parallel with Octave between sides

Uncrossed Parallel with 5th between sides

Crossed Parallel with 5th between sides

Dual Parallel

Extended Descending 4ths (More than 6 consecutive along a fret)

12 String SG12 Stick Guitar

Extended Descending 4ths (More than 6 consecutive along a fret)

Thought experiments

Tunings only considered as ideas or concepts. Not implemented, or at least not implemented by me (yet...).

10 String Stick

12 String Grand Stick

Uncrossed Parallel with Octave between sides

Uncrossed Parallel 5 Melody + 7 Bass

Dual Parallel

Extended Descending 4ths (More than 6 consecutive along a fret)


12 String SG12 Stick Guitar

Basic Templates

Teflon® (Non-Stick) Tunings

Maps for guitar, some other fretboard/touchboard instruments, and the Linnstrument MIDI controller.